In kindergarten children aged 5 to 6 years are accepted before going to primary school. For this reason, we must create the most appropriate conditions, so that this transition is as easy as possible, since in primary school every child is led to a more formal form of education. It is therefore necessary for us, the educators, to achieve through play and cross-thematic activities (project method) to encourage our children to learn and to convey our love for it. The cognitive level at the age of the kindergarten is even higher and so each child slowly begins to write his name on the paper, even the name of their friends, their teacher or their favourite animal. They begin to understand more complex mathematical concepts, identify the smallest and the largest, recognize the previous and the next number.
The kindergarten curriculum is organized based on the pedagogical principles and objectives of the Cross-thematic Unified Curriculum Framework (DEPPS) and the Detailed Curriculum (APS), as defined by the Ministry of Education & Religions, and is further enriched with activities harmonized with modern pedagogical approaches and methods.