
Setting Boundaries for Children: How Do I Set the Example as a Parent?
The word "boundaries" can be difficult to say and even harder to implement. Often, even we adults struggle to adhere to the boundaries we set for ourselves, let alone those set by others. Now, as parents, we are tasked with setting boundaries for our

Toddler and Preschool: Tips for an Easier Adjustment
So, the time has come for your child to go to preschool for the first time! Are you worried about their adjustment to the new environment? For children, it is a new reality with many challenges: a new place, new activities, being away from familiar faces,

Should and Why Should Children Attend Preschool?
This is a question that has preoccupied the scientific community for years. Observing the attitude towards child-rearing in urban societies, we should probably distinguish between attending daycare in infancy and early childhood from preschool education. Historically,

Educational Games for Preschoolers
You want to see their little face light up with a smile, but you also want to challenge their little mind. Rest assured! With the following games at home, your little angel will have fun and acquire new skills in an enjoyable way without getting bored

Child and Technology: When to Say No to the Tablet
If you leave a two-year-old in front of a tablet or smartphone, you'll likely see them interact with it with absolute confidence. They press buttons and switch screens like a skilled... hacker. And, most importantly, they stay quiet. For most parents,

Creative Activities for 3-Year-Olds from Nothing
"Improvise and have fun." This is your motto to spend beautiful and creative moments with your three-year-old angel. Enjoy with them the precious journey of exploration, imagination, and creativity, wherever you are, with games that you can easily set

Emotional Intelligence as a Foundation for Healthy Child Development
Emotional Intelligence is defined as the ability of a person to recognize and control their emotions and understand how those around them feel. Research shows that this emotional awareness plays a very important role in our lives, as it determines happiness

The “Swedish Model” – What Happens in Preschool Education
Preschools in Sweden offer educational activities for children aged 1-6 years. The Swedish curriculum particularly focuses on children's independence, as the main concern of educators is for children to develop self-confidence and autonomy. The operation

Experiential learning: the benefits in the learning procedure
John Dewey's theory of "learning by doing," introduced in the 1930s, is considered the beginning of experiential or empirical learning. According to this theory, it is the interaction of experience and the individual's action that results in learning,

How to Teach Your Child a Second Language
Learning a second language is becoming more and more popular around the world- and for good reason! With so many benefits, many parents are trying to teach their children a second language. Not sure how to get started? Read ways you can teach your children

10 Tips for Choosing a Kindergarten Program
Choosing a kindergarten program can feel like a daunting task. In an effort to place your child in the “right” school, there are many things to consider. Think about your own philosophy of education.What are some of the things you want for your